Sekohe Castle in Hamoon: A Historical Marvel


Perched atop steep hills during the Afsharid dynasty in the 18th century, Sekohe Castle stands proudly in the town of Hamoon, nestled within Sistan and Baluchestan province.


The name "Se-Kooheh" finds its roots in the ethnic groups, "Sekoo" and "Seka," who were early settlers in the area. Additionally, in Persian, "Se-Kooheh" directly translates to "three high places," a fitting description of the ancient castle, tower, and citadel that command attention from a distance.


Constructed primarily of grand mud-bricks, the Se-Kooheh castle boasts an almost oval shape, comprised of two essential components: the ancient citadel dating back to the Afsharid era, and a tower erected during the Qajar rule.


For added protection, forts and battlements were strategically built around the castle.

This architectural marvel was duly recognized and added to the esteemed list of Iranian National Heritage Sites in the year 2002.

Sekohe Castle in Hamoon: A Historical Marvel Sekohe Castle in Hamoon: A Historical Marvel Reviewed by Balochistan History on October 11, 2023 Rating: 5

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