Remembering the Martyrs of Balochistan: A Historic Tribute Nawab Nauroz Khan

Balochistan, has a long and storied history of struggle, sacrifice, and resilience. The memory of the brave sons of Balochistan, who fought against injustices and oppression, remains etched in the collective consciousness of the Baloch nation. As we commemorate the 63rd Anniversary of July 15th, 1960, known as Martyrs Day, we pay homage to those who were hanged on that fateful day, as well as Nawab Nauroz Khan,
passed away on December 25, 1965. This article delves into the historic facts and data surrounding these significant events and underscores the indomitable spirit of the Baloch people.


The Insurgency and Background: 


In 1948, Balochistan, which consisted of various princely states, was incorporated into Pakistan. The merger led to discontent and resentment among the Baloch people, culminating in an insurgency against the government. The Baloch nationalist movement aimed to preserve the distinct cultural and political identity of the Baloch nation. Nawab Nauroz Khan, also known as Babu Nowroz, emerged as a prominent leader during this tumultuous period.

That Martial Law by Ayub Khan was imposed because Pakistan feared Khan Kalat was trying to secede. Nowroz Khan, along with his band of fighters, engaged in several intense confrontations with the forces commanded by Lt. Col. Tikka Khan. Eventually, Nouroz Khan and his companions were eventually persuaded to come down from the mountains with the promise of negotiations (He did not surrender but came after the agreement which was on Quran.). However, the Pakistan Government did not fulfill its promises and arrested them. Nouroz Khan was subjected to torture and spent his last years in prison. He died in Hyderabad Jail in 1965, refusing amnesty. 

However, upon descending from the hills, Nowroz Khan and approximately 150 of his followers, which included his sons and nephews, were apprehended for their involvement in insurgency activities against the state.

On July 15, 1960, of the seven martyrs 3 were hanged in Sukkur Jail and four were hanged in Hyderabad Jail. Due to his advanced age, Nowroz Khan was spared from execution, but he passed away in Hyderabad Jail in 1965.

Following these events, the Khan of Kalat, who presumably had some connection to Nowroz Khan's actions, was eventually forgiven and released from custody.


Nawab Nauroz Khan's Leadership: 


Nawab Nauroz Khan, the head of the Zarakzai (Zehri) tribe in the Jhalawan region of Kalat, played a pivotal role in the resistance against the government. Little is known about his early years, but his leadership and influence grew within the Zarakzai tribe, a nomadic community deeply rooted in Baluchi, Persian, and Muslim culture. Nauroz Khan spearheaded the struggle for autonomy and justice for the Baloch people.


The Tragic Events of July 15th, 1960: 


On July 15th, 1960, a dark chapter unfolded in the history of Balochistan. Seven brave Baloch individuals, who valiantly resisted the injustices perpetrated against their people, were hanged in Hyderabad and Sukkur Jails. These martyrs included 


  1. Shaheed Battay Khan Zarakzai - Sukkur Jail

  2. Shaheed Sabzal Khan - Sukkur Jail

  3. Shaheed Ghulam Rasool Nichari - Sukkur Jail

  4. Shaheed Wali Mohammad Zarakzai - Hyderabad Jail

  5. Shaheed Bhawal Khan Musiyani - Hyderabad Jail

  6. Shaheed Masti Khan Musiyanbi - Hyderabad Jail

  7. Shaheed Jam Jamal Khan Zehri - Hyderabad Jail 



Nawab Nauroz Khan's Imprisonment and Demise: 

Although Nawab Nauroz Khan was spared execution due to his advanced age, he endured a life of imprisonment. He was confined to Hyderabad Jail, where he ultimately succumbed to his circumstances on December 25th, 1965. His death marked the end of an era and left an indelible void in the struggle for Balochistan's rights and freedom.


Remembering and Respecting the Martyrs: 


The Baloch nation stands indebted to the martyrs who laid down their lives for the cause of justice and liberty. Their sacrifices and unwavering commitment to the Baloch people's rights must be respected, revered, and remembered. Each year, on the anniversary of July 15th, the Baloch nation commemorates Martyrs Day, a solemn occasion that serves as a poignant reminder of the price paid for freedom.


Babu Nauroz and his comrades, who fought for the cause of Balochistan, were laid to rest in an area called Chashma in Kalat. This location is situated near Kalat Bazaar. The burial ground itself is known as 'Chashma Qabristan.' It is essential for the Baloch nation to honor, hold in high esteem, and commemorate the sacrifices and the struggle these individuals made for the betterment of Balochistan. 


The legacy of the brave sons of Balochistan, who fought against injustices and sacrificed their lives for the betterment of their people, lives on. As we honor the martyrs of July 15th, 1960, and the late Nawab Nauroz Khan, we draw inspiration from their indomitable spirit. The struggle for justice and freedom in Balochistan continues, fueled by the memory of these courageous individuals. Let us, as a nation, ensure that their sacrifices are never forgotten and that their aspirations for a prosperous Balochistan remain at the forefront of our collective journey towards a brighter future.

Remembering the Martyrs of Balochistan: A Historic Tribute Nawab Nauroz Khan Remembering the Martyrs of Balochistan: A Historic Tribute Nawab Nauroz Khan Reviewed by Balochistan History on July 15, 2023 Rating: 5

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